The importance of creating a habit

The first half of 2022 is already gone. Are you where you want to be? Did you keep any of your new year resolutions and promises that you made to yourself? Have you made a dent in that giant ‘To Do’ list?

Don’t quit. Don’t give up. It’s never “too late.”

Even though there are days I wish that I could change some things that happened in the past, there’s a reason the rear view mirror is so small, and the windshield is so big. Where you’re headed is much more important than what you’ve left behind.


Although most people go into the New Year with the best intentions to maintain their resolutions, it doesn’t take long to give up on goals or even forget them entirely. When you shift from making a once-a-year change to creating lasting change, you will achieve more than you probably believe is possible.

I know I am trying to force myself to do something when I use words like “should”, “have to” and “must” .  (It’s nothing to do with my problem with authority 😉).

Resolving to do something differently in the future is usually driven by something we are unhappy with, or we are feeling unfulfilled. Resolutions continue to connect us to the negativity. Transforming your life requires deep self-reflection, overcoming your limiting beliefs and building new habits. The best New Year’s resolutions are about setting goals and making a dedicated plan to achieve them.


Creating good money habits can allow you to live more comfortably and stress less about your financial future.  A change in your financial situation starts with a change in how you think about money.

Many of us make it a goal to finally get our finances in shape.  Becoming physically fit and financially fit are quite similar when it comes to achieving the goals.  So here’s how I recommend that you approach creating your money habits:

  1. Set specific goals. Like all goal setting, financial fitness needs to be both measurable and attainable.
  2. The hardest part is starting. There will always be competing priorities. Think of it as taking one step at a time.
  3. A starvation diet doesn’t work. What you choose to do must be sustainable. There is no quick fix. Waiting for a bonus or a tax return will not develop healthy habits. Small actions multiply over time.
  4. Educating yourself is key. Identify the gaps in your knowledge and then aim to gain as much knowledge with what is available.
  5. Try different techniques. Choose what feels more comfortable and less stressful as you are more likely to continue with this.
  6. Develop small consistent habits. Small habits practised over time build long term success
  7. Treat yourself occasionally. Irregular indulgences keeps us happy and enjoying the benefits of our hard work.

Your financial success will come down to your financial habits. Each financial decision you make will reinforce the habit, both good or bad.

As Steve Jobs famously said “focussing is about saying no”.  This can be transferred to your money mindset.

Every time you consider spending money, ask yourself “is this aligned to my long-term goals” and “will something suffer if I do this”

Here are two final tips when starting out on your money journey.

  1. Spend mindfully. Remember you don’t need to spend more as you earn more.  Spending more is not going to help you to reach your goals.  The more money you spend now, the longer it will take for you to reach your goals.
  1. Don’t go broke trying to look rich. You would have seen my quote from last month.  “money talks and wealth whispers”. Focus your energy on building your wealth instead of spending it.  Don’t compare yourself to friends or family.  Stick to your own goals.

Creating good money habits will require you to do more than set up your financial goals. Setting and implementing habits that are achievable to stick to will play a much more significant role in creating financial success. If you’d like to learn more about how to create financial success for yourself, then I’d love to help you. Simply get in touch at [email protected] or click here.

Book Your Confidential Financial Mentoring Consultation 

This call is an opportunity for you to ask questions and seek clarifications about the financial mentoring program.

We encourage open dialogue to ensure you fully understand how we will progress through your personalised mentoring plan, the level of commitment required, and the potential benefits you can expect.

By the end of the call, you should have a clear understanding of whether we are a good fit for your business and for your financial journey.

Based on the insights gained during the call, we will discuss how your plan can be customised to address your specific financial goals and aspirations. You'll gain clarity on the scope of the mentoring and how it aligns with your objectives.

You can also anticipate a discussion about your current financial situation and objectives. We will ask a few tough questions to make sure we understand your unique circumstances and any challenges you may be facing.

This assessment forms the basis for tailoring our mentoring program to your specific needs.
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